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Center for Digital Storytelling

​"People see, hear, and perceive the world in different ways.

This means that the forms and approaches they take to telling stories are also very different. There is no formula for making a great story – no prescription or template. Providing a map, illuminating the possibilities, outlining a framework – these are better metaphors for how one can assist others in crafting a narrative.

Glynda Hull

"It is such a view of self, and continual opportunities to enact this self in relation to new skills, technologies, knowledge, and practices, that we see at the center of development for both children and adults. We also hope to explore the role of multimedia and multimodality as a powerful form of communication and means of representing self, family, community, and social worlds. (37-38)

"We expect, in our future work on literacy, identity, digital technology, and community storytelling, to continue to explore how to create alternative learning spaces where individuals and groups can define and redefine themselves, voicing agentive selves through the creation of authoritative texts. (37)

Digital Storytelling - Portfolio

"Digital Storytelling is the modern expression of the ancient art of storytelling. Digital stories derive their power by weaving images, music, narrative and voice together, thereby giving deep dimension and vivid color to characters, situations, experiences, and insights. Tell your story now digitally.
- Leslie Rule, Digital Storytelling Association

  • For Education
  • For Family Stories      ... ... 

Web-based Tools and Resources

"Learning happens socially and through language

" Sharing ideas and understanding in the form of a story helps with memory retention and sense-making

"Technology can offer learning opportunities consistent with a Universal Design for Learning environment: •Multiple means of representation (taking in information)
•Multiple means of expression (sharing back knowledge)
•Multiple means of engagement (motivation for learning)

Ryan Merkley

Ryan Merkley: Online video -- annotated, remixed and popped

Ryan Merkley introduces a new way to tell/present. "Videos on the web should work like the web itself: Dynamic, full of links, maps and information that can be edited and updated live, says Mozilla Foundation COO Ryan Merkley. On the TED stage he demos Popcorn Maker, a new web-based tool for easy video remixing."


Digital Storytelling

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